Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Failed Attempts of a Psycho Stalker

There's some good news to report! One our forum was finally restored but because we know we are being stalked we've had to restrict membership. I understand that that was what other forums have had to do to escape Kathryn a/k/a the Psycho Stalker. So many other boards having to take the road of tighter security because of this one psychotic pathetic stalker in Detroit.

The other good news is that we can defeat her! My friend Tina explains...

I asked a psychic friend of mine about Kathryn. Here is what he said...


 Yes, you were correct. You are dealing with a classic witch. She is in contact with
    dark shadows that she believes will give her power. To avoid falling into the darkness
    and enter the void, she preys on those who have life and light, she sucks them dry
    like a vampire. She needs to vampire people from the light, in order to maintain
    a sense of balance. This is a trick that is used by those who are trapped by the
    dark side. They will seek out beings of light, try to get close to them, to vampire
    their energy. She knows that it is critical for her to stay in the middle of the game,
    she believes that this trick will prevent her from being taken by the shadows.
    There is a deep rooted feeling of self hatred coming from her existance. She does not
    like herself, and she knows that it is important to vampire others for her own sense
    of purpose. ~  You can defeat her with ease by laughing and keeping your own
    light and vibration on a higher level. I know it is not easy at this time, but laughing
    and being happy will raise your own field of light and make it difficult for her to get
    a connection with you. This witch must be able to make a connection first, in order
    to play their stupid games. This witch is not very strong, she is a lesser witch, and
    you can defeat her with ease.

That's basically what my good clairevoyant friend said too, pretty much. We all know she's definitely an emotional vampire and everyone to her are just souls she wishes to feed on. But eventually people catch on. Some faster than others. But still... so I will be laughing and defeating her. Laughing AT her is so damned easy so... let her try to grab life from me. She'll be spinning and spiraling down that abyss where she is bound anyway.

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